Words of Wisdom on Decluttering and Organizing Your Life

The benefits of decluttering your room and home and the different ways it can help you organized are the talks of the town almost all the time. People who want to lead an accomplished and successful life understand how important it is to declutter their living space, home, workstation and even your purse, wallet and gym bag. Having a cluttered space to live and work has a very positive, healthy and different impact on people and the ways they perceive things around them.

For some people, decluttering is a way to earn money as well and they try to sell off things that they do not want on online selling platforms like Craigslist, eBay and also sell on platforms like Etsy by adding more creativity to them. Another approach to live a decluttered life is to organized things in your wardrobe or proper storage boxes where you can easily find them and make your living space less messy.

There are so many apps that can help you get an organized life, manage your time and manage your workspace. This eventually becomes one of the ways to add more positivity, productivity and management to your life.

If you are living in Redding, then you can download these apps using Spectrum Redding and add more to your lifestyle. You can use different apps and sell off things that you do not need in your home and get some extra cash for things that you never wanted. Also, you can watch different videos and get creative ideas regarding things that are around your home and you can use them to make some amazing art pieces and sell them off at a good price.

Let’s get you motivated to declutter yourself and organize your life.

“Owning less is better than organizing more.” (Joshua Becker)

Joshua is one of the American writers, authors and philanthropists. He is the author of four books on subjects like intentional living and minimalism that got translated into different languages. According to him, having less things or things that you need the most is one of the best practices to live an organized life. This is also very important for people who are looking for a decluttered workspace, room or home. There is no point in owning things that you do not need as it creates hurdles in your financial and social well-being. 

“In the never-ending battle between order and chaos, clutter sides with chaos every time. Anything that you possess that does not add to your life or your happiness eventually becomes a burden.” (John Robbins)

John Robbins is one of the American authors who connected nutrition, animal rights and environmentalism. He presented a holistic approach of all these factors. He considers clutter as an agent of chaos in an individual’s life. This is evident in our mood in the morning when an individual is getting late for work and couldn’t find his or her car keys or when they accidentally forget their security clearance card and realize that on the security checkpoint. So if you have more of something and if it is not making you happy, then it is a burden and not your wealth. It is a better idea to give such things to someone who might deserve them more than you do or need them more than you do.

“Every minute you spend looking through clutter, wondering where you put this or that, being unable to focus because you’re not organized costs you: time you could have spent with family or friends, time you could have been productive around the house, time you could have been making money.” (Jean Chatzky)

Jean Chatzky is one of the renowned American journalists, financial editor of NBC’s TODAY show, a personal finance columnist, personal finance ambassador of AARP, and the CEO of HerMoney. According to her, if you spend more time looking for things in your clutter and the things you do not need, it can cost you a lot more than you can imagine. For instance, if you spend too much time finding your car keys, pressing your clothes and performing other tasks, you might get late for work. This could agitate your employer and he or she can penalize you for coming late. Also, if you are driving too fast, then you might run into an accident as you might be driving too fast to get to work and all of this is happening because of a small mistake and unorganized behavior.

In the end, one can say that having an organized life can help you in so many ways. You can start off by organizing your life at home and then at your workplace. It is a good idea to declutter your digital resources as well, including your email inbox, phone apps and messages, documents on the computer and so on.

Author Bio:

About Caroline Eastman:

Caroline is doing her graduation in IT from the University of South California but keens to work as a freelance blogger. She loves to write on the latest information about IoT, technology, and business. She has innovative ideas and shares her experience with her readers.

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