8 holiday marketing strategies for your small business

The holiday season is quickly approaching. The temperature is dropping, and marketers are busy planning their next strategy. They are actively engaged, mostly with work, trying to figure out a unique and different holiday marketing strategy to drive customers into sales swirls. 

Small business owners may need help to effectively market and scale on a limited budget. According to the National Retail Foundation, while Thanksgiving is the official start of the holiday shopping season, 40% of U.S. consumers have already started their holiday spending by the start of Halloween (NRF). 

Holiday marketing strategies, when executed correctly, can do wonders for your small business. From capturing customers’ attention to building excitement around your brand and enticing them to make purchases, all are the virtues of holiday marketing. 

We have compiled a list of marketing ideas to benefit in the longer run. 


Decorating for the holidays can get customers in the holiday spirit. Decorating is one of the least expensive ways to promote your company and convince customers to buy. The festive decor reminds customers that it’s time to start thinking about the holidays. It refreshes all the positive associations they have with this time of year. 

A good strategy is to start early in the season and gradually phase in decorations. The right time for decorations will be right after Thanksgiving. Overdoing certain measures, such as playing Christmas carols too early, can backfire, so build up gradually. 

Seasonal targeted email marketing

According to Shopify research, email marketing accounts for 24% of holiday sales. This survey makes it a top secret to the seasonal sales boom. Your email can successfully influence your potential customer’s purchase decision without increasing your holiday marketing budget by segmenting your audience lists. 

All you have to do is email your list with the appropriate content and offers. You can create an email campaign online by mailing your list. Doing so makes your work straightforward. Here are some tips to help your emails stand out and target the right kind of audience as well. 

  • Segment your audience list: You can send more targeted and personalized emails by dividing them into smaller groups. The basis for these groups are demographics, purchase history, and email engagement level.
  • Modify subject lines for holiday fun: Whether it’s festive puns or themed wordplay, these subtle boosts to your visibility can help your emails stand a better chance. 

Free gift wrapping

You can lift the holiday spirit by giving gift wrapping for your customers. The most important part of the festive season is giving your loved ones the right gift. When a customer purchases a gift from your shop, free wrapping will take something off their plate, making it a memorable experience for the coming years. 

There needs to be more than the gift wrap service with every purchase to boost your holiday sale. But, it can be very beneficial in building a better, long-term relationship with your customers. You take your gift wrapping up a notch with innovative festive gift wrappings. For example,

  • Holiday tape 
  • Holiday Printed paper
  • Customized stickers with customers’ initials
  • Cloth bags
  • Seals
  • Handwritten notes in calligraphy

Interactive holiday content

One of the most efficient customer engagement strategies is to create helpful content for your customers. You can increase brand integrity, improve modifications, connect with customers, and generate leads. All of this happens through high-quality, consistent content. 

You should focus your content during the holiday season on related topics that will be of specific importance to your customers. You sell beauty products, such as you can write about Halloween makeup layouts and then recommend related makeup items. 

Festive social media content

One of the most helpful pieces of advice we can give you is to create festive social media content. Creating as much prompt and relevant content as possible is always a good idea. There are numerous holidays to celebrate on social media. 

Some popular holidays are Halloween, Black Friday, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s. Include all the holiday hashtags, and send out thoughtful emails to show people you’ve thought of everything. 

Adjust the emails according to the holiday hand. Christmas emails, for example, should have a theme that suits the holiday, and you can take help from amazing Christmas email templates available online to make your week easier and simpler!

Regarding holiday marketing ideas, festive content is equivalent to social media content. This content will put you on consumers’ radars during the holiday season.

Holiday giveaways

With the rise of online shopping, consumers are familiar with holiday marketing campaigns. They frequently see the same thing year after year. Hence, holiday marketing practices may cause their eyes to glisten over. 

This year, online retailers can take a risk by hosting a mini-game or giveaway. It would be best if you decided how clients will participate in your mini-game/giveaway. The goal is to make it as simple as possible for participants, so keep the entry requirements to three or four steps. Giveaways, contests, and sweepstakes, in particular, can benefit a brand:

  • Increase your sales.
  • Improve brand visibility and awareness
  • Create a new customer acquisition strategy.
  • Develop long-term 

Holiday referrals

Referral programs, in general, provide several advantages to both businesses and consumers. Here are some of the benefits that a well-structured program can get a company:

  • Increase a company’s customer base
  • Increase brand awareness

Reduce customer churn while building long-term relationships with loyal customers. Word of mouth, or recommendations from friends and family, influences up to 90% of purchases directly or indirectly.

Gift guides for everyone 

Consumers who don’t have time and ideas will appreciate a good gift guide. Even when people have time, they are almost always at a loss for ideas. Gift guides will relax them while also promoting your business. And the more friends and family they have, the more likely they will use the guide.

Organize the guide by categories to make it as helpful as possible. For example, 

  • for the man who has everything
  •  Gifts for the women in your life
  •  Secret Santa crowd pleasers, and so on.

This strategy will make your business helpful to the consumer and also make you stand out from the crowd. 

Here’s hoping the marketing ideas mentioned help you achieve your goals!

Written by: Raahim Jamshed

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