Most pets that have spent their entire life span with their human owners have grown accustomed to their protection and switched their lifestyle from being wild animals to more loyal companions to their owner. This results in them gaining a sense of love and protection from their owners and losing their animal instinct to protect themselves in the process. This makes them more vulnerable than they should be, making them easy prey when a big predator marks their sight on them.
Common wild animals that you can see in urban or rural areas are foxes, bobcats, and especially coyotes. You should know how to protect your pets from coyotes and any wild animals that could potentially make them their prey. Predators such as coyotes tend to pick on animals that are smaller than them or appear to be not much of a threat to them. They tend to attack those animals that are smaller than them and may inflict more wounds on them than larger pets. Therefore, it is best to keep an eye on your pets that seem like they pose no threat to predators to ensure that nothing happens to them.
How To Prevent Future Coyote Attacks
Coyote attacks are frequent in areas where few human activities are going on. You may see them at any time of the day. They are active by sunset and at night. If you see them during the day, you might have caught them observing their surroundings and planning what they will be doing once the night comes.
First of all, you can never know when a coyote might be around your area. One of the things that you should do as a pet owner is to make sure that your pets’ business outside should be done before sunset, or else they might be a possible victim of a coyote attack. Having dog houses outside might be an exemption if you have a fence around it and you are sure that your canine is not prone to attacks if it decides to sleep for the night.
Making sure that your pet is around you ensures its safety. You should remember this since coyotes do not engage their prey if a human is close to them. If you are walking with your dog at night, make sure that it is on a leash so it can be as close to you as possible. If your presence does not make the coyote disengage itself from the situation, bringing something loud with you might scare it away. An object such as a whistle or a horn might keep the coyote at a distance or run away.
When it is mating season for coyotes, they are much more active than they usually are in any other month. It starts around late December and may end by early March; if the day is between these months, you should also pay more attention to your surroundings. Their activity usually peaks around late February and early March, meaning that they will be out more and find a meal for their mate.
If you live in an area where there is not too much human activity going on, you should stay cautious because you may never know what might happen. Pet owners find coyote attacks on their pets the last thing they want to experience, considering that it risks their health condition and might lead to their deaths or they may go missing. You should be more responsible, whether you are a pet owner or not, because if you are alone in the middle of the night, you might become one of the victims of coyote attacks.