Dry Clean Your Clothes to Prevent Textile Waste

Did you know that you can save the environment simply by washing your clothes with a chemical solvent instead of water? That’s right! You can save gallons of water every year simply by rinsing your clothes with mild chemical solvents. Are you still wondering how it works? Well, washing your clothes with a chemical solvent is called dry cleaning. Needless to say, the process is called dry cleaning as the clothes are cleaned without water. Dry cleaning not only contributes to water preservation but also protects the environment against textile waste. Textile waste is one of the most toxic environmental issues of today.

Washing clothes with water regularly increases textile waste as water erodes the fabric of clothes. People often discard their clothes that get eroded by water. This leads to the generation of huge piles of textile waste every year. Such a degradation of the environment can be prevented by embracing the techniques of dry cleaning clothes with chemical solvents.

If you are new to dry cleaning then you may visit Hello Laundry, online dry cleaners near me in London to get your clothes dry cleaned by professionals. Read on to know more about adopting the process of dry cleaning clothes to prevent textile waste.

How does dry cleaning clothes help with the prevention of textile waste?

The United States breaks the record of almost every country by generating more than twenty-five billion pounds of wasted textiles each year. The textile waste includes used clothes, towels, window covers, bed linen, shoes, and furniture cover. A few ways in which textile waste can be prevented are by donating and recycling clothes. However, only a few people donate their clothes while the rest generate stupendous volumes of textile waste. For such people, dry cleaning clothes is the ideal option. Dry cleaning helps in preserving clothes for a long period. Unlike water, chemical solvents do not erode the fibres of clothes. As a result, the clothes do not shrink or fade in colour even after daily use. Thus, dry cleaning clothes helps in reducing textile waste. The two major ways in which dry cleaning helps in preserving clothes and reducing textile waste are listed below:

Removal of the toughest stains

Dry cleaning professionals make use of a variety of chemical solvents that can eliminate stubborn stains and greasy marks. Different chemicals are used for the treatment of different types of stains caused by the spillage of mustard, sauce, wine, oil, etc. on clothes. You can visit any clothes dry cleaning platform near you to tackle stains and marks on your precious clothes. There is also an “all-purpose” stain remover available at local stores that works for mild stains caused by tea, coffee, or juice,

Prevention of fabric damage

During the dry cleaning stage, the clothes are provided with special care and attention. Clothes that are dry cleaned look better and more colourful than clothes that are washed with water. Dry cleaning clothes with mild chemical solvents helps in preventing fading, shrinkage, peeling, thinning, and wear and tear of the fabric of clothes. Moreover, dry cleaning also helps in increasing the longevity of the use of garments and other linen items. Clean your leather or suede apparel and shoes with chemical solvents to preserve the quality of the fabric. You can even dry clean your bed linen, pillows, pillow covers, and curtains to maintain their quality and cut down on textile waste.

Steps involved in the dry cleaning process

Professionals at laundry cleaning service platforms follow the steps below to dry clean suits and other items of linen:

Pre-treatment of stains: At the pre-treatment stage, the garments are washed with a special stain remover chemical for the effective removal of a wide variety of stains. If the stains are too stubborn and yellowish, then you may sign up for clothes dry cleaning services near you.

Dry cleaning of the apparel: The clothes are tossed into a perforated basket and placed inside a drying machine. The basket rotates inside the machine while the pumps in the machine supply the clothes with a constant volume of chemical solvents. Multiple rounds of cleaning take place in which the soiled solvent gets removed, and clean solvents are used to dry clean the clothes. The dry cleaned clothes are then exposed to a circulation of warm air for drying.

Post-spotting: The post-spotting stage refers to the treatment of clothes with steam, water, air, and vacuum. In this stage, the stains that linger beyond the dry cleaning stage are removed.

Finishing stage: In this stage of dry cleaning, the wrinkles get removed. The finishing stage is similar to ironing. The professional dry cleaners press the dry cleaned clothes with steam. Next, the steam is removed by using a vacuum. The clothes are now clean, crease-free, and ready for use.


Dry cleaning clothes are ideal for the prevention of textile waste. Save the environment by switching to dry cleaning from washing clothes with water. Dry clean your clothes regularly to save water, protect the environment, and preserve the texture and quality of clothes for years.

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