How to Learn German While Traveling

German is not the most accessible language, but it is quite possible to master it independently. Especially if you already speak English, these are languages ​from the same family. She is beautiful – Sie ist schön. There are more differences between these two languages ​​than similarities. You’ll recognize typical constructions and see parallels in the meanings of verbs, but grammatically there is almost nothing in common between languages. So, how to start to attend German classes online.

  • Start with motivation. Learning German as a second language is a complex and lengthy project. You have to learn a lot of rules and exceptions, and it is essential not to abandon everything halfway. To avoid this, determine what you need the language for from the very beginning. This way, you can remind yourself of the end goal when you feel the urge to stop learning. It could be migrating to Germany, being attracted to its mouth-watering free education, or wanting to become the best translator in your city. The main thing is to formulate the absolute need to learn German for yourself.
  • Use the trampoline. The language basics – basic grammar, phonetics, and phrasal clichés – should be mastered with a tutor, in language courses, or through a good tutorial. Let someone guide you by hand along the foundation of language so that you can build your language fortress on this foundation.
  • Don’t be afraid of mistakes. German is not one of those you can immediately start speaking correctly. Feel free to look like a native – poke your finger, use gestures, build incorrect sentences of the “my yours don’t understand” level. In the meantime, improve and gradually fill your speech with the proper constructions and more elegant words.
  • Even in 10 years, you will learn new things about German and integrate it into your address, and you will be able to master it ideally only after a quarter of a century of living in the country. Therefore, there is no point stopping – use it from the first days.
  • Practice constantly. Learning any foreign language is 80% of practice. Set aside at least an hour every day for it. To do this, you don’t even always need to sit down for books – talk to yourself or build dialogues in your head. How would you order this coffee if you were in Germany right now? How would a barista respond? There is not enough knowledge to compose a dialogue – open the browser on your phone and peek.

Think About the Use of Language

For your vocabulary to expand and be securely fixed, learn words in the context of situations, even fictional ones. There will be no point in memorizing words if you do nothing with them after that. It is much better to set small communication tasks for yourself and find exactly the words you need to solve them.

Imagine that you need to explain that your bathroom pipe burst to the dispatcher. If you don’t know any of the right words (or anything, which is very likely in the early stages), then learn those words and make up an imaginary dialogue. Then play with it, remake it for different times, and offer yourself different ways to solve your problem. Fight with an imaginary dispatcher, after all. So you will learn only 5-6 new words, but you will do it for real.

Learn Practicing

To make the rule securely fixed, form a cliché. Work in this order: master the law, then remember the sample phrase in which it is used and make several dozen phrases by analogy. At the same time, embed them in dialogues, and write short stories from them – in general, bring each structure to automatism.

Repeat After Native Speakers

A logical continuation of the previous rule – listen to how native speakers talk and steal the principles of speech construction from them. First, the most important buildings will be remembered – greetings, farewells. You will begin to notice more rigid typical structures that can be applied in different situations step by step. For example, a dialogue about buying furniture can be shifted to a conversation about buying a TV. That is why traveling and learning German is a great way to improve yourself.

Read More – Lainya Shearer

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