Logo Creation 101: Build The Perfect Logo For Your Online Business

When you’re running an online business, having a standout logo is essential to success. After all, it’s the age of online shopping; you want a ensure that you don’t blend in with other shops on the internet!

When exploring your options for logo creation, you may start to wonder “can I just design my own?”. 

Even if you’re not a professional designer, making a great business logo can be done quickly and easily. In this article, we’ll talk about the basic rules of logo design, and then recommend our favorite design software. If you’re looking for logo creation ideas and design tips, you’ve come to the right place! 

Why You Need an Original Logo

Having a business logo is essential to your branding strategy. Your logo is the first thing that many people see when viewing your online shop! You want to have a recognizable icon that encapsulates your brand image. 

Having a great logo opens the doors to tons of branding opportunities. You can get merchandise with your logo on it and start marketing your online business IRL! You can also customized stationery for your office, with your log printed on all items.

What Makes a Great Logo

At its core, what separates great logos from mediocre ones is simplicity. The best logos are instantly recognizable and evocative of the brand itself. 

Think about the most recognizable logos you know: Apple, Mircosoft, Coach, Tesla. Streamlined, fuss-free design is a guarantor of success. 

The Rules of Logo Design

So how do you create a great logo for your business? Here are a few rules to follow. 

  • Keep It Simple: it can be tempting to overload your logo; however, audiences respond best to simple graphics with clean lines
  • Clever Colors: read into the psychology of colors to see what you can accomplish with color design or stick with your brand’s recognizable color scheme
  • Plan, Plan, Plan: you don’t want to go into a design unprepared; sketch all your ideas before beginning
  • Make It Marketableconsider the marketability of your logo; does it convey your brand image easily, effectively, and enjoyably? 

These simple rules make it easy to design a logo as a beginner. No matter your skill level, just keep these tips in mind!

Finding Logo Creation Software 

You can find dozens of different programs to create your logo. Before searching, decide whether you want to use a free design program, or a paid one.

Free programs are great for beginners and small enterprises and will let you quickly design a crowd-pleasing logo. But if you want something beefier, with more customization options, think about exploring paid programs. 

Adobe Create is one of our favorite programs for business logo design. You can create a logo markup, business cards, and more! Adobe Create is a versatile software that is perfect for beginners and experienced designers alike. 

Keep Your Online Business Booming! 

We hope this guide to logo creation taught you everything you wanted to know. You don’t have to be a trained graphic designer to make amazing graphics for your business! With a little advice and intuitive software, you can create an entire branding package from home. 

Want more tips, tricks, and advice for the modern entrepreneur? Check out our blog; we are the internet’s leading source for business news and trend watches. Stay in the know by reading our daily posts and lists. 

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