Access Management 101: What You Need to Know

In recent years, people have awoken to how vulnerable their data is. As the Internet becomes more pervasive, more and more information becomes available to prying eyes.

If data falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to many problems. Hackers may use it to attack your business. Businesses may sell your data to one another, filling your inbox with unwanted marketing pitches.

Cyber security professionals utilize access management to prevent this data from becoming stolen or abused. But, what exactly does access management entail? If that’s what you’re wondering, find your answers in the guide below!

Defining Access Management

Access management refers to the technology and processes that a user utilizes to control and monitor network access. There are several features that may help with this.

Some of these features include:

  • Account authentication
  • Authorization
  • Trust and security auditing

The goal of these features is to prevent unauthorized users from accessing your account. They protect your information from malevolent actors within and outside of your organization.

As cloud-based technology continues to develop, though, it’s no longer efficient to guard your on-site information. As your accounts become more accessible across multiple devices, businesses must expand their digital security.

How can you do that? We’ll discuss that further in the next section.

Using Identity Analytics

One way to prevent your account from becoming breached is through Identity Access Management (IAM) analytics. Like your physical health, the health of cyber security systems requires frequent monitoring.

As you monitor the system, you can assess and evaluate how well it currently performs. There are a few ways that analytics do this.

First, analytic systems offer anomaly detection. In short, they spot any outliers or anomalies that occur in your user entitlement.

From there, they provide support for your decision-making. This involves using calculated confidence scores to help you decide on a course of action. For example, if you notice anomalies in your user entitlement, you can opt to recertify access or eliminate the entitlement.

These analytics can also provide deep insight tools. These allow you to drill into the details of users, policies, and applications to mark any high-risk usage. An example of this includes uses like successful and failed login attempts.

SAP Security

As data processing grows, SAP security systems become more necessary than ever. SAP, or Systems Applications and Processing, is a leader in ERP software that helps several types of companies.

Unfortunately, these systems are often vital points that hackers love to strike. SAP creates a robust centralized system, allowing businesses to make data accessible across departments. It makes working much more convenient.

However, this also means that a hacker breaching this system can access huge swaths of your company’s data. Access management tools help an IT department prevent such an invasion.

Start Utilizing Access Management More Efficiently

Almost every business utilizes access management in some way. At the very least, they probably have passcode encryptions on some documents.

However, this basic level of protection is not enough in today’s world. Find an access management solution that improves your security today!

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