Common FAQs about vasectomies: Don’t miss these details


If you are a man and don’t want children, you may want to consider vasectomy as a permanent birth control method after consulting your partner. Couples often have reservations about the procedure, assuming it would affect their intimacy and sex life. Before you consider the option, do a search online and find a clinic you can trust. You can always meet your urologist to learn more. In this post, we will answer some common questions related to vasectomy.

What is a vasectomy?

Vasectomy is an outpatient surgery which involves cutting the vas deferens. The vas deferens are the tubes that carry sperm to the testicles. The sperm doesn’t get in the semen, and therefore, there are no risks of conception. Vasectomy is usually done under local anesthesia, and while patients may experience some sensation during the procedure, there is no pain. Brushing and mild discomfort may last for a few days.   

How successful is a vasectomy?

Vasectomies have a success rate of 99%. However, the procedure may not be an immediate solution. Sperm may remain inside the tubes, and therefore, doctors usually advise using some form of birth control until 15-20 ejaculations. For the next few months, you may be still fertile. Your doctor will usually do a sperm count test after three months of vasectomy and give you a report.

How long does it take to recover?

Pain and soreness after a vasectomy should go away within a week. You may have to wait for a week or two to resume heavy lifting and gym sessions. There can be minor sensitivity and swelling, which will subside with time. Most patients can resume sex within a week or two.

Will vasectomy affect your sex life?

That’s often one question that most patients and couples ask. Vasectomy doesn’t affect your sex drive or the ability to have erections. Your body will continue to produce the same hormones after the procedure. There is also no effect on your ejaculation. The semen will not contain sperm but look and feel the same. The semen volume will remain the same.

Are there any risks?

As with any surgery, there are a few inherent risks with a vasectomy, such as bleeding, swelling, infections, and bloody semen. However, these are usually rare and manageable. Also, you are not at a higher risk of prostate cancer after a vasectomy.

Talk to your urologist, and if you have specific questions, always be prepared.

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