Everything you need to learn about Youtube end screen


Everything you need to learn about Youtube end screen

As a YouTube creator and marketer, one of your primary objectives is to retain viewers on your channel and encourage them to consume more of your content.

When a user finishes watching your video, they will either start watching another video from the suggestions on the right or go back to the YouTube home screen. YouTube End Screen is a powerful feature that helps retain audiences and helps you maximize the benefits of video marketing.

In this guide, let us talk about this amazing feature in detail and discuss how you can use them to your advantage.

What Is YouTube End Screen?

The end screen is a YouTube feature that lets creators inspire viewers to take action after finishing the video. It allows for promoting videos, playlists, websites, and other channels in the last few seconds of the video playtime.

End screens are different from the annotations that YouTube generates automatically, as creators are free to choose the content they want to promote.

How To Add YouTube End Screen?

An End Screen is created on YouTube and not during the editing process. Let us go over how you can implement this feature in your YouTube video.

  1. Once you upload your video and add details like title and description, select the option ‘Video Elements’.

For an existing video, hover over to find the Pen icon and click on it. This should take you to the Edit screen where you can find the option for ‘End Screen’.

  1. Under this option, you find ‘Add an End Screen’. Click on ‘Add’.
  2. Next, you will be presented with some templates for end screens to choose from. These include elements like subscribe, video, channel, and others.
  3. If you want to make your custom end screen, you can choose the ‘+ Element’ option at the top. You will see a drop-down menu that lets you select from the channel, video, playlist, link, subscribe, etc.
  4. Once selected, you can customize the elements in the editor. For example, you can choose a recent upload in the video element.
  5. The length of your end screen can be between 5 and 25 seconds. Adjust this length and hit the play button to preview how your end screen looks.
  6. After you have made the necessary adjustments, click on the ‘Save’ button to make your end screen go live.

What YouTube End Screens Promote?

The end screen feature lets creators promote multiple elements.


You can add links to some of your best videos to keep the viewers engaged with your channel.

If you are uploading a video as a part of a series, it is a good idea to link the other videos for easy reference. It is also possible to link somebody’s video as well when you are collaborating with others and want your audience to discover their content and channel.


End screens let you include a clickable button to encourage viewers to subscribe to the channel from within the video.


Just like videos, you can add links to your or other people’s playlists on the end screen. This is great when you want people to check out more videos on the same subject or you have a progressive series of videos.


If you are collaborating with other creators or have created a new YouTube channel, you can add a link to the specific channel you want the audience to check out.

Apart from these, the end screen allows directing viewers to your website where they can learn more about the products, services, or programs. To link a website to your video end screen, it must be a part of the YouTube Partner Program.

YouTube End Screen Best Practices

Here are some tips you can follow to get the most out of this YouTube feature.

Include The Subscribe Button

To use the end screen feature to its best, don’t forget to include a subscribe button on every end screen to remind users to subscribe.

YouTube automatically adds it when you select the element but you can pick a good template and make changes to make it more attention-catching.

Choose The Right Videos

As you include links to your YouTube end screen, your viewers will spend more time on your channel and become subscribers. However, choosing the right videos for promotion on the end screen is crucial for success.

You can find the perfect video for the end screen by looking at the conversion rate. If there is a video that got you subscriptions, it can be certainly added to the end screen.

Another way is to include related videos. Your audience is more likely to watch a video that they find interesting and relevant to what they are currently looking for. For example, if a user just watched a video about keywords, he might be interested in watching how to use the keywords the best.

Redirect To A CTA

If you are promoting your website through an end screen, don’t just redirect the audience to your home page. It is worth taking them to a page where they can take an action, like placing an order or subscribing to a newsletter.

Label The videos

Consider using labels for your video element to convey to viewers that they can click on it. If you want to promote a previous or next video of a series, you can label the element to inform the audience what it is about.

Add Social Icons

You should also include icons of the social media platforms on which you are active. Though these icons are not clickable, they let your viewers know that they can always interact with you on other platforms.

Track progress

End screens let you add, change and remove elements easily. It is important to keep track of how the end screen is performing.

You can use the report on your End Screen to find out the number of clicks for every element and identify which element does better than others. If you see that a specific element doesn’t work, you can choose to remove or change it.

Keep The End Screen Clutter-Free

An effective end screen is one that lets viewers see all the elements clearly. A cluttered end screen can confuse users who might skip it and start watching a video from the suggestions bar.

For example, a white background would highlight the end screen elements and increase the chances that they are clicked.

Final Thoughts

End screens are one of the most powerful tools that help retain your audience’s attention and inspire them to continue watching your content.

Now that you know how you can create a YouTube end screen, use the feature to get more views for your videos, promote your website and increase the number of subscribers.

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