Everything You Need to Know About Knee Arthroscopic Surgery

Knee arthroscopic surgery is a common surgical procedure that is used to diagnose and treat various knee problems. This type of surgery is performed using a small camera called an arthroscope, which is inserted into the knee joint through a small incision. Arthroscopic surgery can be used to treat conditions such as arthritis, torn cartilage, meniscus tears, and ligament tears. But what else do you need to know?

What is Knee Arthroscopic Surgery?

After contacting an industry-leading arthroscopic knee surgeon, the patient will be evaluated and diagnosed to determine if arthroscopic knee surgery is the best treatment option. During the procedure, a thin tube with a camera on the end called an arthroscope is inserted into the knee joint through small incisions. The surgeon is then able to view the inside of the joint on a video monitor in order to diagnose and treat various conditions.

What are the Benefits of Knee Arthroscopic Surgery?

One of the biggest advantages of arthroscopic knee surgery is that it is minimally invasive and requires only small incisions, resulting in less pain, swelling, scarring, and a shorter recovery time. Additionally, because the camera can provide detailed images of the knee joint, it can be used to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions with greater accuracy.

What Conditions Can Be Treated or Diagnosed with Knee Arthroscopy?

Knee arthroscopy can be used to diagnose and treat a wide range of issues, including torn cartilage, loose pieces of bone, inflamed synovial tissue, misaligned kneecap, meniscus tears, osteoarthritis, and ligament sprains or tears. It can also be used to remove loose bodies of cartilage or bone.

What is a meniscus tear? A meniscus tear is a common injury that occurs when the rubbery, C-shaped discs of cartilage that sit between the thighbone (femur) and shinbone (tibia) are torn. This can occur due to overuse or an acute injury, such as an awkward twist of the knee. Symptoms include pain, swelling, stiffness and a popping or clicking sensation when bending or straightening the knee.

On the other hand, torn cartilage or osteoarthritis is a condition where the cartilage in the knee joint becomes frayed and worn, leading to pain and stiffness. This can be caused by age, overuse or an injury. Symptoms include pain, stiffness and swelling in the knee joint.

What Happens Before the Surgery?

Before the surgery takes place, you will meet with your doctor who will review your medical history, perform a physical exam and assess any imaging tests you may have had done; this will help the surgeon determine the best course of action.

It is also important to discuss any medications you may be taking, as certain drugs can interfere with the success of the surgery.

What Happens During the Surgery?

Knee arthroscopic surgery is an outpatient procedure, meaning you will not have to stay in the hospital overnight. The procedure typically takes about one hour, and during this time you will be given a general anesthetic so you are completely unconscious and unable to feel any pain.

Once the anesthetic has taken effect, a narrow tube called an arthroscope is inserted into the knee joint through several small incisions. This instrument is equipped with a tiny camera, which allows the surgeon to view your knee on a monitor. The arthroscope also has tools that can be used to trim or repair damaged areas within the joint.

After the procedure is complete, you will remain in the recovery room for a few hours until the anesthetic has worn off. You will likely experience some pain and soreness in your knee for a few days afterwards, but this should subside over time. Depending on your individual situation, you may need to wear a supportive brace or use crutches while walking.

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