Winning Meme: Jokes, Love, Fun, Creative, Life

Winning Meme

The winning meme which is also known as “are you winning son” meme is an exploitable meme based on a drawing from MS paint. 2014 was the year when this meme first came out. In this meme a father walks in on his son doing something on his computer and asks the question “are you winning son.” Now, what the son is doing is an an exploitable and can be used in many different ways according to what meme is one creating. The source or origin of this meme is unconfirmed because this meme was posted on the 4chan website from an anonymous submission.




In the January of 2015, a user on the page of Meme Centre posted this meme template of “are you winning son” and it gained over 1600 likes. Similarly on reddit it gained over 10 thousand upvotes when it was first posted. After that, this meme template was dead for a while but in the May of 2020, there was a sudden spike in the usage of this meme. A twitter user posted a meme of this format in twitter which gained over 68 thousand likes and 7 thousand retweets. This format has so many variations that its hard to keep track. People have posted this same template in so many ways from being wholesome like the dad and son eating a meal together when the son has won to sad templates like when the son committing suicide and the dad spreading awareness about the children’s mental health. This meme has taught us many lessons while making us laugh.

Winning Meme




  • “Are you winning son?”

Spongebob lying sadly on the floor : yes dad.

  • “Are you winning son?”

“I’m winning good memories dad”

  • “Are you winning son?”

*The coronavirus is the son drinking a cororna beer* : Oh yes dad.

  • “Are you winning son?”

*son playing counter strike with toxic players* : shutup dad!

  • “Are you winning son?”

*Putin is the son planning war on Ukraine* : “No dad they hate me”

  • “Are you winning son?”

“No dad I am studying in my room, stop coming into my room with a                        cigarette in your mouth.

  • “Are you winning son?”

“Ew dad I was changing clothes! Please knock before coming into my room!”



  • “Are you winning son?”

Son : Yes dad

Dad : Hi “winning”, My name is dad.

  • “Are you winning son?”

“No dad but thank you for making sure my mental health is ok and caring about if I am winning in a stupid game, you are a great dad.”




Ever since the pandemic hit us like a train, things have been going downhill for many of us. It’s hard to keep track of your mental health when you’ve got your day to day schedule, busy work and pressure. We barely devote any time to ourselves. This is where memes come in. Little things in life matter. Similarly, little moments of laughter also matter. When we look at memes at laugh out loud, even for 5 minutes out of our busy day, our brain releases the “happy chemicals” which is great for keeping our anxiety in check. These memes allow us to laugh and share positive vibes. They are the “good guys” in our schedule who take care our health mentally.

Also Read: Arcane Memes Sage Green Aesthetic | Erling Haaland Meme

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